Exclusive furniture
         Each person wants to create the unique interior reflecting it character, ambitions and a way of life; weakening space where will comfortably spend time and have a rest. The individual interior is inconceivable without author's furniture. Designed with caring and skillful hands of the designer who is making out your apartment, restaurant, office or a cottage, furniture to order will perfectly add stylistics of the room and will make you the happy owner of an exclusive.
Author's furniture – one of the important directions of work of architectural studio "Sky Gallery" . The design furniture becomes logical continuation of our interiors, their accent, feature. We offer non-standard approach to its creation:
- At us isn't present sample furniture, we approach to each subject of an interior individually. We specialize on a tree furniture, metal, a stone, flew down, various arti
ficial materials. When finishing fabrics, the skin, the gilded, silvered, bronzirovanny accessories are used.
- Furniture in our execution exceeds the European analogs on quality. Use of the most modern foreign and domestic materials and hi-tech process of assembly provides to b long term of its operation.
- the Individual furniture to order creates respectable image of inhabited space. Even is quite enough one subject to change an interior of an office, a dining room or a drawing room.
- Over a home decoration work high-class masters therefore the furniture turns out not only beautiful, but also strong, ergonomic and durable.
- Indisputable advantage of author's furniture - rational use of free space within the uniform concept. Our designers will beat each centimeter of an interior, will make it expressive and interesting. The furniture to order allows to issue non-standard spaces beautifully.