Design of Shopping centers
         Architectural studio «Sky Gallery». I acquired an extensive experience in design of Shopping centers. Active development of regional construction allowed to expand in recent years a portfolio of our projects in this sphere.
Each our project of Shopping center is individual. Their distinctive features:
- Attention not only to construction and engineering aspects, but also to a figurative, architectural component: symbiosis of the rational and irrational basis, the weighed approach to design.
- The Wide palette of "tools" for navigation simplification - careful distribution and the direction of flows of buyers, use of curvilinear and broken lines of the internal facades, difficult drawing of a floor and a ceiling, use of effective visual dominants. All this directs visitors and helps them to go with pleasure on Shopping center, saving time and at the same time inducing to do shopping in the maximum number of shops.
- Integrity of an image, communication of interiors with facades, visual appeal, compliance of the marketing concept of the company of the customer – result of competent work of our designers.
- The Difficult geometry of interiors "breaks" habitual stereotypes, allowing to overstep the bounds of usual perception. Galleries are designed so that, walking on them, visitors see some more shops into which there is a wish to come. Therefore all internal space of Shopping centers works for 100%, that is very important for effective business.
In the Shopping centers realized on projects of our studio, is pleasant to spend time all family. The spacious galleries, the thought-over ergonomics and iridescent colors make bright impression and the festive atmosphere, allow an eye to have a rest from a dullness and dullness. It spaces to which there is a wish to come back.